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Food you should try

5 Best Diet Tips for Easing the Menopause

Menopause, even though often dreaded by women, is a natural part of life. However, symptoms can be hard to deal with, especially since they can last for several years after transition. The decline of estrogen and progesterone may manifest by symptoms such as weight gain, hot flushes, night sweats, mood changes, and difficulties with sleeping.  Below you will find best advices regarding menopause treatment.

Women around the world look for ways to help themselves during this period. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by exercising and sleeping regularly, and not skipping meals is essential for alleviating potential problems in menopause. Diet is of huge importance and choosing the right food, and the right portion sizes are necessary if you want to help yourself in the days ahead. Luckily, most if not all of the helpful food is readily and easily available in markets. Here are some diet tips that can help you feel better:

Eat Calcium-rich food 

With the Estrogen level being low, the risk for bone fractures rises significantly. By implementing more calcium-based products in your everyday meals, you may mitigate that risk. Foods such as milk, cheese, or yogurt – but also bony fish – are known to have a lot of calcium and vitamins (such as Vitamin D and K) that can influence bone density. Dairy products can also help with sleep problems. Two to four servings of calcium-rich food should be sufficient for the day.

Avoid high sugar and fat food

Even though it can make you happy for a short period, food with a lot of sugar and fat usually has low nutritional value. What’s worse, it can influence your cholesterol level and upset your hormonal balance, and consequently can make the symptoms even harder to deal with. We are talking about sugary drinks, mass-produced candy, fast food – processed food in general. Try to avoid eating it or look for a healthy alternative like low sugar, homemade cakes.

Add supplements to the diet

Apart from your regular meals, you might need something to fill out the gaps in your diet. The right menopause supplements can even help you alleviate the symptoms by providing you with the right nutrients and improving your overall health. There are many products out there, so be sure to do your research before buying. Look for a recommendation from the professionals and if you’re still not sure, consult your physician before taking them.

Do not forget fruits and vegetables

There is a reason why many nutritionists recommend that at least half of your plate should be filled with vegetables. They are the source of many important vitamins and nutrients. Food such as cabbage or broccoli can be especially beneficial, as it can influence your Estrogen level. Spinach and kale can add calcium, necessary for your bones. Oranges, lemons, and all citrus fruits were found to reduce menopause symptoms in general. Try to have at least two cups of vegetables and one and a half cups of fruit a day.

Whole grains are your friend

Foods like quinoa, rye, brown rice, whole-wheat bread, and whole-grain oats are rich in nutrients, fiber, and vitamins, including vitamin B. They can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and premature death. A Bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, topped with some natural fruit, can make your whole day much better. Also, if you like to make pasta, use one that is made of whole grains.

The most important tip is not to think of menopause as any sort of disorder or defect. Yes, your life changes, but it is a natural phase, and all will be well in the end. Your job is to adapt to the situation by making necessary changes to your food habits. And remember, by taking care of your body, you will make an ally that will, in return, take care of you in troubled and happy moments that are yet to come.

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