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Food you should try

Food you need to try in Iceland

  1. Skyr

  2. Skyr

    Skyr is an Icelandic cultured dairy product. It has the consistency of strained yogurt but a much milder flavor. It has been a part of Icelandic cuisine for over a thousand years.[1] It is traditionally served cold with milk and a topping of sugar.

    2. Barbecued horse steak

    Barbequed horse steak

    3. Puffin (Lundi)

    Lundi – Puffin

    The puffin meat is usually smoked to taste almost pastrami-esque

    4. Icelandic hot dogs (pylsur)

    Icelandic hot dogs (pylsur)

    5. Caramelised potatoes

    Caramelised potatoes

    6. Kleina – diamond-shaped pastry

    Kleina – diamond-shaped pastry

    7. Freshly carved glacier ice

    Freshly carved glacier ice

    Purest water in the world? Worth trying!

    8. Fermented Shark (hákarl)

    Fermented Shark (hákarl in Icelandic)

    Don’t try this at home! Only for reeeaally brave ones! 

    Kæstur hákarl is a national dish of Iceland consisting of a Greenland shark or other sleeper shark which has been cured with a particular fermentation process and hung to dry for four to five months. Kæstur hákarl has a strong ammonia-rich smell and fishy taste.

    9. Reindeer meatballs


    Reindeer meatballs

    10. Flatkökur


    Flatkökur is an Icelandic unleavened rye flatbread

    11. Svið


    Svið is a traditional Icelandic dish consisting of a sheep’s head cut in half, singed to remove the fur, and boiled with the brain removed

    12. Rugbrauð – icelandic rye bread

    Rugbrauð – icelandic rye bread

    13. Humar súpa

    Humar súpa

    Lobster cream with fried lobster tails and a pinch of anise

    14. Icelandic Kleinur


    Icelandic Kleinur

    Icelandic “twisted” donut

    15. Humarpizza – Lobster tale pizza


    16. Slátur


    Icelandic food made from the innards of sheep

    17. Harðfiskur


    Icelandic dried fish with butter.

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