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Food you should try

How to Incorporate More Sources of Omega 3 into Your Diet Everyday

Omega 3 is a crucial nutrient that you need to avoid major killers such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and stroke. But did you know that omega-3 fats are also very important for weight loss? They increase metabolism of fat, accelerate fat loss during exercise, and help deflate “spare tires,” thus lowering your obesity risks as well. But that’s not all. Omega 3:

What else can I say, except that omega 3s rock!

How much Omega 3 should you consume?

The Institute of Medicine’s recommended daily intake of omega 3 for adult women is 1.1 grams, whereas pregnant women are advised to obtain 1.3 grams of omega 3 a day. Lactating women on the other hand need 1.4 grams of omega-3 fats a day to obtain enough benefits from them. If you’re vegetarian or vegan you’d need at least 1.5 to 3 grams of pre-converted omega 3 (ALA or alpha- linolenic acid) every day to be healthy.

Natural sources of omega 3

1. Fish

Fish aren’t the only source of omega-3 fatty acids. If you must eat fish try to eat those that are low on mercury and PCBs. Alternatively you can just take a fish oil supplement if you’re iffy about toxins (as high-quality fish oil supplements are tested for purity) and fish protein (fish oil supplements are supposed to be free of fish protein and therefore should not trigger an allergic attack, but it would be better if you take them to avoid fish allergy, not if you are already suffering from it). Or you can just eat a couple of the most tasty omega-3 foods known for their texture, taste, and nutrients.

2. Flax seeds and flax oil Why are they good for you?

Flax has the highest omega 3 content compared to other food sources. The seeds also contain protein, fiber, lignans, B vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, and folic acid, plus minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc. Flax is also known to protect women from breast cancer.

Flax oil is a more concentrated source of omega 3 so you don’t need to consume a lot. A tablespoon of ground flax seeds has 37.4 calories and 1.6 grams of omega 3, whereas a tablespoon of flax oil contains 120.2 calories and 7.3 grams of omega-3 EFAs but no protein, fiber, minerals, and vitamins (except for vitamin E).

I do not live a stress-free life, so my body makes good use all the extra omega 3s I consume to reverse stress. I also do not consume flax oil everyday (maybe just once to twice a week when I have a bottle in the fridge), so I never worry about excessive omega 3 intake.

7 healthy ways to use flax seeds and flax oil

3. Chia seeds nutritional value and weight loss benefits

Chia is an ancient grain that is also one of the few plant-based sources of complete protein. Protein from chia is highly digestible. Chia seeds are also high in iron, potassium, selenium, fiber, and antioxidants. They are also detoxifying as they can absorb toxins in your gut. Chia seeds are much better eaten than grown as a pet, that’s one thing for sure!

How to eat:

Your thoughts on Omega 3 foods

In our next article we will have another 6 delicious omega 3 sources. Do you think you could replace your less healthy snacks with flax seed dessert or chia porridge?

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