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Food you should try

Nutrition labels for restaurants do a lot of good for customers and the business

For long, it has been mandatory for retail food establishments to ensure that every food packet carries a nutrition label declaring the composition or ingredients used in the product and its nutritional value. The same legal requirement is now binding on restaurants that must comply with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules of May 7, 2018, that stipulate restaurants to provide information about the calorific value of the foods they serve. Bringing restaurants within the ambit of the food laws is a move to widen the administrative net to control unhealthy foods served in restaurants, which have been a major health concern for the nation.

The label provided by the restaurants on every food item includes all nutritional information about the product along with the calorific value so that customers who take the food do it by knowing its health impact. This means that the restaurant menus must now not only display the name of the food item but also the nutritional facts related to it.  

Time is a big factor

The task of determining nutrition value is not as easy as it may sound because it requires testing and analysis of the food by sending it to a laboratory that takes some time for the result to be available. The time is a vital factor for business because until the results are available, the restaurant owner cannot include the food item on the menu, and the delay can adversely affect the business.  Besides the time it takes, there is another constraint for restaurant owners who cannot change the recipe of the food anytime they want. Every change requires a fresh nutritional analysis, which goes through the same time taking the testing cycle and may result in losing some immediate business opportunities.

Nutrition analysis on the go

By using nutrition label software for restaurants, it is now possible to drastically cut down the time lag because by using the software, you can get the results immediately. The software allows you to test any food item, any time just as done in a lab, but without spending time in sending it out and waiting for the results. The software is like a mobile app that you can install on any device and can access it with your username and password. 

 The app is nothing but a label generator, and by adding the recipe of the food item to it, you can make the app calculate the nutritional values of the ingredients like carbohydrates, fat, protein, and several other nutritional facts. All calculations follow the standard guidelines of testing recommended by the FDA. By compiling all the information in a list, you can display it to customers who can get all the information that they need.

Healthy meals

The introduction of the Nutrition label has given people the opportunity to people of choosing foods that they feel safe. For example, those who are allergic to certain foods or prefer gluten-free food can now know it quickly by looking at the nutrition label and keep away from it.

Restaurants are quickly discovering that declaring the nutrition facts is having a positive effect on business revenue.    

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