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Understanding The Blister Packs – Plastic Backers Vs. Paperboard Backers 

When it comes down to the packaging industry, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that businesses have been using blister packs for years (or may we say decades) to pack the products. However, over the course of time, the blister packaging technology has changed while some businesses are just starting out to pack their first business products in the blister packs and aren’t aware of the right type of packaging. For the most part, there are two categories of blister packs, including plastic backers and paperboard backers. 

While using blisters for packaging the products, you need to choose between the two said options. However, how do you know which backer is a promising choice and which works well than the other one? In addition, one needs to determine the backer that’s better for the environment and will their different choices make any difference. These are only a few considerations that run through one’s mind while pondering the right blister pack for packaging the products. 

So, with this article, we are exploring these two types of blister packs and their relative properties, easing the decision-making for you. In fact, we will also help you choose the most suitable blister pack for meeting your packaging needs. If you are ready to get this information, let’s move forward!

Understanding The Blister Pack

The blister packaging (yes, it’s the same as blister pack – just another name for it) is a common form of carded packaging. The blister packs are basically the small containers that are integrated with pre-made plastic casing and have a backer which is either from plastic or paperboard (the paperboard also goes by the name of blister board, so don’t get confused). It wouldn’t be wrong to say that blister packs are the tamper-evident packaging solutions and are widely used as wholesale packaging boxes

Given the tamper-evident design, the users need to remove the backer or cut out smaller portions of the box’s back to take out the products that are integrated into the blister pack. If the blister pack tampered with, you will be able to see protrusions, such as holes in the blister or the backer, so the consumers can be alerted about the potential tampering. The blister packs are most commonly used for packing batteries, candy dispensers, pharmaceuticals, toothbrushes, and glue sticks. 

The Paperboard Backers 

The blister packs integrated with the paperboard backers are widely used for packaging sensitive consumer productions. The paperboard part of the boxes can be integrated with the text and graphics, including safety instructions, pricing, product descriptions, and features, along with additional product information. The blister packs made with blister boards are a suitable choice for printing the essential information on the backer without adding additional labels. 

The best thing about the paperboard backers is that they are eco-friendly because you don’t need to worry about the inability to remove the labels (the labels can complicate the recycling process). This is basically because the backers can be separated from the plastic part, easing the recycling process. 

The Plastic Backers

The blister packs made with plastic backers are widely used for products that require additional information through labels. These backers can be designed with the product information, but since they have extra labels, the recycling process will be complicated. In fact, some plastic backers are designed with the blister board inserted between two plastic pieces to create a hybrid. 

Which Is The Right Backer For You? 

When it comes down to choosing between the two, it depends on choosing between the two. So, in the section, we are sharing the factors that you need to consider;

So, which backer are you going to invest in, then?

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