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Food you should try

What is Obesity?

Obesity is defined as abnormal fat accumulation, dangerous for health. It is a treatable disease. Obesity causes many health issues such as

BMI calculator:

       Doctors will usually say that a person is obese if his or her’s BMI is greater than or equal to 30. Use calculators.tech BMI calculator to find your body mass index (BMI) that is your weight divided by your height in squares.

                  If your BMI is 30 or greater than 30, then you are obese. But don’t worry! We have come up with 10 diet plans that will help you to deal with obesity.

10 diet plans for obese people

               There are two main ways to stay perfectly in shape and healthy. One is exercise and the other one is diet. A proper diet is one that is rich in proteins, minerals and has a low-calorie content. Improper dieting is often a major cause of weight regain after weight loss. A proper diet plan should be followed to treat obesity. Weight Loss Surgery can also be done in severe cases. Before doing anything you first need to set a target, how many pounds you want to shred and in how much time? Once you are done with that, you can start your weight loss journey right after that. Below are a few diet plans, helpful for losing your weight.

        Low-carb diet:

             As the name suggests, low carb diet is a diet low in carbohydrates, usually present in sugary food. You will have to focus on food rich in proteins and fat. Researches show that a low-carb diet works better than a low-fat diet. You will not only see a significant loss in weight but also an improvement in your health.

Paleo diet:

         Paleo diet is actually similar to what human ancestors used to eat thousands of years ago. Many types of research show that their food consisted of whole grain. Paleo diet is significant for weight loss without calorie counting. The basic concept is to avoid processed foods, grains and sugar. Paleo diet can be used as a starting point for dieting and foods which science says are healthy such as gluten-free grains and grass-fed butter can also be included.

Vegan diet:

 Vegetarian?  Looking for a vegan diet plan? No need to worry because we have a meat-free diet plan for you.

    A vegan diet is free from animal products. In addition to weight loss, the vegan diet has many health benefits like lowering blood sugar level and reducing pain from Arthritis. A vegan diet is composed of higher dietary fibre intake which makes you feel fuller and naturally lowering the tendency to eat calories. There are many types of vegan diet such as whole food, raw food, and Junk food vegan diets. The vegan diet is also recommended by ADA, AHA and NCEP.

GM diet:

GM diet, also known as General Motors diet is one in which a dieter eats fruits on day one, vegetables on day two and any from fruits and vegetables except bananas and potatoes on day three. It is claimed that you can lose up to 15 pounds in just a week if you follow this plan. You need to stay hydrated throughout the diet and exercise is recommended. But the biggest downside is that the GM diet may be temporary. A person may regain weight after resuming a normal diet.

Ketogenic diet:

      It is a high-fat diet with fewer intake of carbohydrates. If you are a diabetes patient then this is a perfect plan for you. It helps to boost insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar level. Keto diet speeds up your metabolism and you don’t feel hungry even after having a small portion of the meal. Your body also gets in shape and your muscle mass increases.

Flat belly diet:

    Obvious by name, the main aim of this diet is a trimmer waistline and reduce belly fat by shedding pounds quickly. Flat belly diet shares some similarities with the Mediterranean diet. This diet emphasizes eating food rich in MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids). Plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains are also included. This diet can actually work because it encourages a generally healthy way of eating. MUFAs must be a part of every meal.

High-Protein diet:

 Protein is an essential nutrient. Protein is one of three macronutrients and eating more protein can suppress your appetite and hence naturally lowering the caloric intake. Protein also boosts up your metabolic rate and your body burns fat more swiftly. Other benefits include reduced muscle loss, bone strengthening, wound healing etc. Foods rich in protein are soy, beans, seafood, beans, lean meats, eggs, low-fat dairy.

All-fruit diet:

    Fruits contain a significant level of antioxidants and dietary fibres and have low-calorie content. If you are struggling with weight loss than high-volume, fibre-rich fruits are recommended. Fruits like watermelon, tart cherries, plums and berries are healthy for weight loss.


   Whole grains are richer in fibre than many other healthy foods. Whole grains are carb-rich food but according to research, these carbohydrates may actually help protect against obesity. Such healthy carbohydrates are found in pasta, cereals, rice etc.

Egg-diet plan:

     Eggs are the favourite food of many people. They are protein dense, low calorie and low-carb food. Dieter needs to cut off from whole grain and zero-calorie beverages. Water and eggs are the main items for every meal. Lean protein and a few fruits and vegetables can also be included.

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