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Food you should try

Sweet Cherry and Vegetable Summer Salad

Sweet Cherry and Vegetable Summer Salad
  1. Sweet Cherry and Vegetable Summer Salad
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  1. Fill a medium saucepan with water.
  2. Place over high heat and bring to a rapid boil.
  3. Add the sugar snap peas and blanch 1 minute.
  4. Remove from heat and rinse with cold water to cool.
  5. Drain well.
  6. Place the drained sugar snap peas in a large mixing bowl. Add the cherries, cucumbers and radishes and toss to combine.
  7. In a separate bowl pour both vinegars together. Add the sesame oil. Stir slightly to combine. Stir in the sesame seeds.
  8. Sprinkle in the pepper and stir well.
  9. Pour over the top of the vegetables and cherries.
  10. Cover tightly and refrigerate 1 to 2 hours. Stir to combine the flavors before serving.
  1. The cherries not only add a little sweet to the vegetables but they are a good source of the vitamins needed in a daily diet.
Food you should try https://foodyoushouldtry.com/
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