Indian spices are known for their medicinal properties and health benefits. It was the reason why Indians use these spices in their food recipes. Indian spices are rich in minerals, vitamins and other crucial nutrients and also possess antioxidants, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It offers a wide array of health benefits, especially these spices help in improving the digestion system and immune system. You can add these spices in your diet by adding as ingredients in food making and enjoy the benefits.
You can find the cheapest place to buy groceries online as there are many online portals that offer the best quality Indian spices and groceries online. All you need to do is to search properly and compare prices to get the best deal.
In this post, we will discuss 7 Indian spices that can help to improve your digestion.
One of the most common India spices that you will find in the Indian kitchen, ginger has some astonishing health benefits. It has phenolic compounds which are responsible to relieve gastrointestinal irritations and also helps in bile production and saliva stimulation. In addition to that, some of the animal studies also have proved that the regular use of ginger in the diet can enhance intestinal lipase activity, an enzyme that is used for digestion.
Furthermore, ginger also helps to pass the digested food by relaxing the intestinal muscles. If you suffer from stomach cramps, ginger can give you relief. It also keeps away nausea and helps in gas and bloating too.
A cup of ginger tea in the morning can help you to have a smooth and quick bowel movement too.
Coriander seeds
For thousands of years, ancient Indian people have identified the health benefits of coriander seeds, especially strengthening the digestive system. Coriander seeds have carminative properties that help with gas and also contain some stomachic and antispasmodic properties which calm down intestinal spasms responsible for diarrhea. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, coriander seeds consumption might help you.
Cardamom also has carminative properties which help in bloating and gas. It is a part of the ginger family, so digestive benefits are obvious. If you suffer from stomach muscle cramping, cardamom can help you to get some relief.
Some other digestive issues cardamom addresses are nausea, gas, indigestion and stomach cramps. Also, it can kill food-borne bacteria that are responsible for food poisoning.
Limonene, a compound present in cardamom also reduces heartburn and acid reflux. It also contains important nutrients such as iron, manganese, magnesium and calcium.
You can add cardamom as an ingredient in sweet and savory dishes and also you can add in a tea spice blend.
Fennel seeds
One of the most striking features of fennel seeds is its ability to stimulate the gastric juices which help in digestion. You can use fennel seeds as an after dinner digestive add. It also has antispasmodic and carminative properties.
It has metabolically inert insoluble fiber which is responsible to add bulk to the food you just ate and it helps you if you suffer from constipation. In addition to that, it also has cancer-fighting properties.
Slightly cooked fennel seeds, mixed with black salt should be taken after the meal to aid in digestion.
Fenugreek seeds or leaves
Fenugreek seeds have carminative properties that help in digestion and act as a natural digestive to flush out toxins from the body. Also, Fenugreek seeds are rich in fiber and antioxidants which help in treating gastritis and indigestion. You can buy these powerful Indian spices from the online grocery store at the best price in the market.
Most of us suffer from intense heartburn which feels like a heart attack when we eat a heavy meal. Acid reflux is a common health issue among people across the globe and cumin seeds, high with antioxidants can help in acid reflux and heartburn and curing stomach cramps and abdominal discomfort. It detoxifies the intestinal tract and improves the digestion system.
One of the most used Indian spices, Turmeric offers a wide array of health benefits. It has anti-inflammatory properties and offers relief from digestive issues such as acid reflux, ulcerative colitis, gas, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Crohn’s Disease. In addition to that, turmeric also gives relief when you suffer from stomach cramps, abdominal discomfort and gas. Most of the time, turmeric is added in the milk and consumed. However, you can also add it in the dishes as a flavor ingredient. Find the cheapest place to buy Indian groceries online and always buy turmeric packs from a reputable brand.
Mustard seeds
Mustard seeds are also believed to be helpful and very effective to treat digestive issues such as gas, bloating, stomach cramps and smooth bowel movements. Fiber present in mustard seeds help in smooth bowel movements and also improve digestion and it can be added while cooking dishes.
Conclusion:All you need to do is to have these Indian spices in your kitchen. However, you should use these spices in a moderate amount to get benefits. You must buy spices from a reputed brand to avoid fraud.