Sleep patterns of successful athletes show consistently how significant a good night’s rest can be to a great day of performance. Sleep deprivation is an increasingly common affliction that affects people almost uniformly worldwide.
Not only does poor sleep affect your athletic performance, it can also have a severely negative impact on a wide variety of other aspects of your wellbeing. This includes your focus, energy levels, anxiety levels, and even your heart health.
So how do high-level athletes combat their personal troubles sleeping? Developing a sleep hygiene routine that is consistent, productive, and enables you to present your best self out there on the field is the key to success. From investing in the best mattress you can for your rest to developing a wind-down routine that makes sense to you, here are some top tips to get it right:

Optimizing your sleep environment for a good night’s sleep
So many factors within your room can shape the quality of your sleep. Factors such as temperature, noise, and light can all affect the number of hours you get each night, so if your bedroom is letting any of these three things get uncomfortable, re-evaluate what needs to be changed.
Your bedroom furniture can also have a significant role in the way you experience a good night’s sleep. Finding the best mattress you can for your rest is often overlooked as a way to maximize the quality of your sleep. Since most people view mattresses as a chore that just needs to get done, less time is taken to ensure you really have the best mattress possible for your sleeping position and needs through the night.
Memory foam mattresses are often ranked amongst the best mattresses for athletes who are looking to strike a balance between the comfort their experience through the night with the support required for muscle pressure relief. Since memory foam mattresses are engineered for their contouring capabilities, they mold uniquely to every single type of sleeper, so if you’re partnered up or you’re just looking for a mattress that can cater to multiple types of positions, they’re truly the best mattress for this.
Finding a wind-down routine to help you get to sleep faster
If you’re convinced you already have the best mattress for your sleep position, but you’re still struggling to get the routine eight hours you need, then the problem might be in what you’re doing in the lead up to bedtime. Our activities during the day have a direct impact on the quality and quantity of sleep we experience.
In the last thirty minutes of wakefulness, you’ll need to have initiated your wind-down routine. Some common habits have been shown to interrupt the way your sleep cycle works. Putting your phone away right before you go to bed, and ensuring you haven’t had any coffee since about midday, are both best practices to follow as you’re trying to correct your sleep schedule.
There are several calming habits you might be able to implement if you’re looking to get better sleep. This includes reading, having a warm shower, or even doing some light stretches or yoga to get your body primed for rest.
Understanding that sleep is a kind of ritual that you need to prep your body appropriately for is a good way to think about getting the right kind of sleep. Like any exercise or workout, sleep also requires consistent training before you’re able to hit that sweet spot.
Finding sleep accessories that can contribute to your rest
There are other material ways to supplement your sleep routine. There are plenty of options for sleep accessories that can productively contribute to the number of hours you’re able to rest each night. Weighted blankets have become an increasingly popular way for those who struggle with sleep anxiety to get to sleep quicker than they previously have.
Weighted blankets also prevent interruptions through a night’s sleep, so they can be especially useful if you struggle with intermittently being woken up through the night. Adjustable bed frames are another popular sleep accessory, especially amongst those who require a little more support in their sleep.
Adjustable bed frames allow you to customize your sleeping position, and tailor it to a position that allows you to relieve specific muscles or pressure points that might be under strain during training. They also come with a slew of other handy features: massage zones, under-frame lighting, USB ports to charge your phone with – so they can function pretty efficiently in any space.
Create a schedule for your sleep, and stick to it
You’ll want to plan your sleeping schedule so that it works seamlessly with your training schedule. Decide early on what times you want to get to bed, and when you’ll be waking up, and doing your best to stick to these will allow your body to regulate an internal clock, making it easier to stick to as time passes.
Even with the best mattress, you can get your hands on, if you don’t have the practice, sleeping can feel like a chore. Creating a schedule allows you to plan your day around your sleep and not vice versa, and while this may feel counter-intuitive at first, it really helps you prioritize what’s important.
Sleep deprivation is an incredibly serious and debilitating issue for most people, even if they don’t realize it. The exponential changes you’ll notice in your focus, performance, and overall mood once you’re able to correct your sleep schedule will really make all the difference and help you stay motivated to keep it up.
Finding a sleep routine that works for you, ensuring you’ve invested in the top rated mattress for your sleep, and having the discipline to stick to a routine that really works for you, will help you get closer to achieving sleeping habits that empower you during the day. It’s the secret your training has been missing – so get snoozing and prepare to find yourself in the best shape you’ve ever been in.