As a college student, your busy schedule might not allow you to make meals that take a while to cook. That is why you need creative meals that get ready in a pinch. To be a vegan, you need proper planning to ensure you’re eating healthy foods.
When you go grocery shopping, make sure you purchase fresh produce that won’t go bad too fast. Since you’ll be buying a lot of perishable foods, planning allows you to know how much you can consume within a specific period of time.
Aside from seeking college homework help, you should also use the internet to find out which vegan meals are ideal for college life. When you eat vegan foods, you ensure that you have energy to face the day’s challenges.
Besides, eating clean saves you from dealing with health issues throughout your college life. Here are five vegan meals you will enjoy.
- Tofu Scramble
For breakfast, Tofu Scramble is the perfect option because it ensures that you are full until your next meal. This is a super quick meal that you can successfully make in the morning and arrive in school on time for your first lecture.
All you need for this meal is vegetables, some tofu, and spices if you prefer. You should preferably use spinach with yeast to enjoy Tofu Scramble’s legendary taste.
- Healthy Pasta Dishes
If you’re in college, you know that pasts is one of the staples for many. However, this does not mean you should cooks yours the same way each time.
There are quite a number of ways to can cook healthy pasta as vegan. One excellent way of eating a healthy past is serving boiled pasta with vegan vodka cream sauce.
- Hummus and Veggie Wrap
For this, you’ll need tortillas. If you don’t know how to make your own, worry not because you can always buy pre-made ones. Make sure your get spinach, or whole wheat tortillas of you are striving for a strict vegan diet.
This meal is so easy to make and each bite will leave you rubbing your tummy. These are ideal for lunch, especially if you have a busy afternoon ahead.
- Superfood Salad
Superfoods are goldmines for anyone who is starting off on a vegan diet. Superfood salads are quite nutritious and delicious. As you know, any salad is quite easy to make because all it involves is cleaning and chopping up fruits and vegetable.
If you don’t have time to cook, you should always go for superfood salads. If you want to save even more time, you can always purchase pre-chopped fruits and vegetables. This way, all you’ll need to do is mix them up.
- Tacos and Quesadillas
Who doesn’t love tacos? These together with quesadillas are legendary Mexican foods. Besides, the ingredients are very cheap, which is ideal for college life. This is an excellent vegan option and there are so many types of tacos you can try like Falafel Tacos, Lentil Tacos, and so much more.
Eating green is the way to go for all college students. These meals are not only easy to make, but they provide you with the energy you need for the day. Whether its breakfast, lunch or supper, make sure you eat vegan.