Hey, I am a single mother. So, I have to do my job and take care of my children as well. And it is very difficult to maintain and manage time and overall everything.
To save and manage my time, I always try to invent and use different hacks. Recently, I experiment with blender to think out some easy to do technique and hacks. And honestly, it empress me a lot. Here, I will discuss 10 easy blender hacks for day to day cooking. Hope, it will make your life more easy than before.
10 Blender Hacks For Day To Day Cooking
Literally, the versatility of a blender is amazing. You will do a lot of with it. Pick top blenders for your kitchen and stay reading the main portion of our post.
1. Grind Your Spices
A blender can grind your spices way better than mortar. And some people always avoid to buy powder spice from market because of forged product or quality less spice. That is why they use home mortar to make their spice. But it is very time consuming and a hard working process too.
A quality blender can help you to grind your spice and you will get fresh spice powder also. Those spices can be grind with blender – Anise, Black Pepper Spice, Caraway Spice, Cardamom Spice , Cayenne Pepper Spice, Cinnamon, Clove Spice.
2. Fruit Juice:
True indeed; if you have a blender, you do not need a juicer. Yes, if you know the process of juice making with blender, no extra device will need ever.
Making Fruit Juice With Blender
To make healthy fruit juice, you need to extract fruit pulp and put in the blender. Then just start the device and run it for few minutes. And take the mixed pulp and grain it with fresh clothes to extract the juice.
3. Quality Pancake Making:
Yes, I do use my blender to make pancake. It actually saves my time and energy both. You may ask how could a blender can be used in quality pancake making?
The answer is that, your blender will help you to give a better mix to your pancake elements. You will save time in the process also. And most importantly, we know that a better mixing will give you a better pancake and thereby blender can be a great option.

4. Butter Mixing
Sometime, we need to mix butter for various use. And mostly we use our hand or butter mixing tool to mix it. But if you have a blender in you home, you can easily use it to mix your butter. As a single mother, this helps me a lot to maintain my time and money both.
How to Do It:
First you need to cut the butter into pieces and then put them into your blender. Then just start your blender, and your blender will do the rest. Besides, you can mix butter with your milk shake or other ingredient with it.
5. Fluffy Eggs:
You may think the recipe of fluffy eggs is very difficult at first look. But with a blender, it is as easy as winking. Just follow my process.
How to Make Fluffy Eggs:
First you need to take your eggs(minimum 2-3) and crack it one by one and put them in the bowl. After cracking all the eggs, put it to the blender. Then press the on button and in few minutes you will get your fluffy eggs.
6. Mixing Nut Butter
We all know that, nut butter is one of the most precious and healthy food and rich in antioxidants, protein and healthy fats . And, if you check the price of it, you will find it costly too. But with a blender in hand, you can make it easily.
Making Process:
First arrange all the ingredients like nuts, spices, slat, sugar etc. Then blend it carefully to make mix nut butter at your home.
7. Orange and Mango Pulp:
Orange and mango pulp is very popular fruit food. Blender can also be used as an fruit pulp maker. You do not need to buy any specific machine to get fruit pulp actually, if you have a quality blender.
So. How to Make Fruit pulp:
First, take some mango or orange and wash it cleanly. Then cut the fruit and slice it. Please wear a glove as a hygienic part. Put all the fruit slice to blender and mix it very slowly with blender. Do not overdoing it.
8. Almond Milk Mix:
Who want to taste almond milk drink at home? Here is my own recipe of making this with a blender.
How To Make
First, I take few almonds and clean it with water. Then I crashed the almond with hand and put it to blender. After that I take milk and start the blender to make almond milk- very simple.
9. Powdered Sugar
In some specialized food like buttercream frosting, we need to use powdered sugar. Generally, powdered sugar is costlier than normal sugar and not available in general store. So, you have to go to super shop or big shop to buy it. But if you own a blender, you can make this at home.
How to make it:
Take some general sugar and run blender to make powder of it .Then use strainer to separate sugar powder to sugar. And again you have to use blender to make powder out of the rest of the strained sugar.
10. Tomato ketchup:
Tomato sauce is another recipe where I use my blender most often. I take fresh tomato from the market. Then boil the tomato in water and take its peel out of the tomato pulp. After that, you need to blend the tomato pulp to make tomato ketchup and add salt and other spices as per taste.
Final Words:
Those are the easy blender hacks I often use. Please try it to your home at least once and give your valuable opinion. I am waiting for your reply.