Not everyone enjoys wild game meat. However, the reason is usually due to the fact that they haven’t had the chance to taste wild game meat that was prepared the right way. Since this type of meat is lower in fat and significantly richer in flavor than domestic meat, it makes for a delicious and healthy meal option.
But due to the same fact, it’s important to keep in mind that wild game meat needs to be prepared a certain way to ensure that it retains all the delicious flavor. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.
Know the cut
Since not all wild game meat comes from the same animal – or the same part of the animal for that matter, it’s important to know that different cuts cook differently. For instance, shanks and neck meat work excellent in stews. However, if you decide to throw these bad boys on the grill, you’re about to have a disaster on your hands. The reason is that these meat cuts are full of connective tissues. This tissue will break down when cooked slowly. But they will become too tense and chewy if quickly processed on high heat.
Never overcook the meat

On a similar note, not all cooking techniques will work for wild game meat. Usually, when cooking wild game, you actually want to be roasting it. Now, there are two different ways you can approach this. Dry-heat roasting will require you to include both high and low temperatures. For the moist-heat method, you will require a roast pot and you should actually try to braise the food. To get inspired and learn more about some amazing recipes you should visit THEGEARHUNT.
Use marinade to your advantage
Since wild game meat usually needs to be marinated before cooking it, you can use the marinade to your advantage. The meat will soak up all the flavors from the marinade it spent time in. So, don’t let all of those delicious spices go to waste. Instead, use the marinade to create a sauce that will only perfectly complement the meat. Retain all the flavors and juices by preparing it in an ovenproof dish for maximum results.
Be careful when cutting
Another thing that can seriously compromise your wild game meat is the cutting method you choose to employ. Instead of butchering the meat, you should always try to cut it along the fibers. This will provide you with a beautiful oblong piece you can later cut to your preferences once cooked. Unless you do so, you risk ending up with meat that just doesn’t have the right texture.
Keep it rare
Wild game is best served on the rare side. Of course, to stay safe, make sure you know exactly where your meat is coming from if you didn’t hunt it yourself. Try to achieve that perfect pink color when cooking your game. You can choose to brown the surface before or afterwards for that extra kick. So, keep the temperature low when cooking wild game, and only up it when it comes the time to brown the meat.
Always use a meat thermometer
Finally, by now, you’ve probably realized that wild game meat requires specific temperatures when cooking that will guarantee the best results. So, to avoid having to eyeball it and thus potentially ruin the meat, always use a meat thermometer. This way, you can stay in control of the cooking temperature and monitor how the meat is being cooked from the inside. You can lower or increase the heat as necessary if you know the exact number of degrees you’re currently at.
Therefore, the next time you hear someone say that they don’t like wild game meat, you can rest assured that they just haven’t tried one that was prepared the right way. Of course, mistakes will happen, but use them to learn where you went wrong. Besides, the more you cook wild game meat, the better you’ll be at it.