Having trouble shaving off excess weight? If the diets you’re trying are leaving you in the lurch, it might be time to try the intermittent fasting diet plan. It’s a simple tweak that can translate to more weight lost plus give you other healthful benefits that lead to a longer life.
Intermittent fasting is basically as it sounds. It’s a plan of going through a fast in intervals. You will stop eating during certain hours, and while it is great for helping keep calorie consumption down, it has so many benefits that make it worth trying.
After all, if you’re overweight, chances are that you have other health complications too. Those that are young and overweight might not notice these troubles yet. Left unchecked, excess weight can lead to a host of problems which is why going on the intermittent fasting diet plan is a great way to curb them now and get health back on track.

Give intermittent fasting a try and you’ll find it helps you in 5 ways for your health.
1. Gain control over your blood sugar levels
What surprises so many people is that intermittent fasting can improve your insulin resistance. This means you’ll get lower blood sugar levels in the healthy range. If your doctor has warned you about type 2 diabetes, going for an intermittent fast can help turn things around and give you blood sugar levels your doctor will praise you for during your next checkup.
2. Tame inflammation to prevent chronic diseases
All those dangerous chronic diseases you want to avoid that can affect your lungs, heart, and even your brain are propelled by inflammation. Evidence suggests that intermittent fasting reduces inflammation in the body and helps to minimize your chances of being diagnosed with these diseases. Inflammation is always the path to disease. Get it under control by working with an intermittent fasting diet plan and save your health before it’s too late!
3. Create cholesterol control
There’s good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). When you’re overweight or obese, you’ll most likely have high levels of LDL cholesterol which makes you more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. By embarking on an intermittent fasting diet plan, you can restore balance to your cholesterol levels, making LDL levels drop down while getting HDL levels on the right track.
4. Potential to avoid cancer
That big “C” word that everyone worries about will be less of a worry when you try intermittent fasting. In animal studies, there might just be a link between this interval eating style and cancer prevention. While more studies are needed, it’s certainly encouraging news to know you could reduce your risks for many types of cancers by simply choosing this diet plan.
5. Reduced risk for Alzheimer’s disease
Intermittent fasting diet plans also give the brain a boost. By eating in intermittent phases, you can increase BDNF, the hormone which supports brain structure and growth. With more BDNF, it is less likely that you’ll experience cognitive decline as you age, keeping your brain healthy and on track.
What You Should Know About Intermittent Fasting Before You Begin
When choosing any diet plan to boost your health, it’s important to discuss it with your doctor first. Make sure it is a suitable choice for you as certain people shouldn’t try intermittent fasting. Those that are underweight, pregnant, have type 1 diabetes, low blood pressure, or are recovery from illness or injury shouldn’t try this type of diet.
Other than these few exceptions, you should find this diet plan helpful in getting your health balanced out. Many people are surprised and delighted to find that intermittent fasting doesn’t necessarily mean they have to refrain from eating all day. Some plans use whole day fasts while others use time restricted routines. This makes it easier to stick to and find success in your journey to better health.
However, to be successful with your intermittent fasting diet plan, it is recommended that you keep up with hydration, especially during fasting hours. Drinking water is urged as this helps your body thrive. It brings oxygen to your cells and flushes out toxins. Your body can go without food but it can’t go long without water so be sure to fill up your cup often!
Additionally, you’ll get the best results from your intermittent fasting diet plan if you exercise. But in the beginning, it is important to take it easy. Your energy levels will be adjusting and you may feel weaker until you get more into it.
If you’re taking any medications, it’s also a wise idea to not only get your doctor’s blessing on this diet plan but also ensure that those medications won’t interfere. Don’t ever try intermittent fasting or any other diet plan without talking to your doctor if you have to take medications on a daily basis.
Wondering how to start an intermittent fasting diet plan? It’s so much easier than you think! This intermittent fasting diet plan gives you all the details on how to be successful and see the scales, and your health, moving in your favor!