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Does anyone know how to make/what this recipe is? Vegetarian.

So my husband and I had this vegetarian dish at an Indian restaurant and I don't know what it was or how to find a recipe for it. We had ordered vegetable samosas and they had run out so the server brought us a different dish saying it was similar.

Why does gujarati cuisine have so many items based around besan.

I think it makes sense that the southern states have most their dishes based around rice / rice flour given that it is the top produce from cultivation besides Bengal / Punjab. But when I had a look at the chickpea(or other forms of peas) Gujarat is nowhere in top 5. What

Q: Can frozen mashed potatoes from supermarkets be used for aloo curry dishes?

While I've used frozen veggies, palak, ladies finger from US/Canada supermarkets, I've never ventured to try the mashed or frozen potatoes types in the freezer section. Has anyone tried it? Hopefully, those mashed, pasty types don't have any weird additives(non veg or otherwise) in it. What frozen brands work for

What’s your go to tools?

So as a bit about me, I'm a college student living in a dorm, and currently have a 12.5" skillet, a 14" cast iron wok, a cheap $20 5.2 qt enameled Dutch oven, a paprikum spice grinder, an immersion blender, and other misc tools. What do you commonly use, and are

I want to make butter out of yogurt to make ghee. Should I use greek yogurt or whatever “normal” yogurt is sold in American chain supermarkets?

I found [this]( video on my suggested videos which possessed me to try and make yogurt butter from scratch. I know that ghee can be made from normal butter, but this video kinda convinced me to try making it out of yogurt instead since it will apparently be a veeery

How to use a big batch of fresh tomatoes?

A bit of context- a friend from work gave me a sack full of fresh tomatoes from his garden. They are wonderfully ripe and organic, so I don't want it to go bad. Looking for suggestions of Indian recipes which use a large quantity of tomatoes. I have access to most

I Failed again at making saag :(

Hello, I'm trying to learn how to make saag but I've been having really bad luck with it. It's probably my most favorite curry so I really want to nail it down. This is the third time I tried using this recipe: The only thing I didn't have was the methi

Eating for one person and avoiding food wastage

Are you a lone eater of Indian food? Do you eat it irregularly? I want to cook more Indian food but want to know what you would recommend for me to avoid food wastage. What are frozen vegetables like for Indian food? I'd like to make a cauliflower bhaji or make a
