Fireplaces are often used for heating. Nothing beats the warmth of a fireplace during winter. However, with the invention of the central heating system; fireplace especially in the United States, has become more of an aesthetic relic.
But do you know you can use your fireplace for grilling? Well, ancient Romans used it for cooking, making it one of the oldest indoor grills. Home cooks have also been doing all their cooking in their fireplace not so long time ago. Frankly, Fireplace grilling employs the techniques used in campfire cooking. The good thing is you can buy an electric firebox fireplace. One of the best electric fireplaces in the market is Akdy fireplace.

How to Use Fireplace for Grilling
Below are the most essential things you need to get started.
- Firewood
First, the most important thing you should have is dry seasoned wood. They do not only burn hotter but are cleaner than wet wood. After building a fire, you should let it die down into hot glowing coal which provides consistent and hotter heat for grilling. They also lend a tastier flavor and are also less likely to produce sparks.
- Cast Iron Skillets
These skillets help take the heat without having to worry about scratching or charring them.
- Heat Proof Tongs
You will also need considerably long heatproof tongs that are heatproof. They help to keep your fingers at a safe distance from the flame while moving the steak. Better still, you can get fire-resistant gloves.
You will also need a metal cooling rack. It is an ideal place to rest your hot pan and prevents damaging your floor.
- Thermometer
You will also need an instant thermometer. A meat thermometer is essential in determining if your meat is done. Ensure the fire is hot enough to cook your food but not so hot to that the food will burn. If you’re looking for a perfect thermometer, I suggest checking out this article from Giftwits.com for some in-depth reviews of various options.
- Bricks
Elevating your meat, poultry, or pan ensures that your food gets a smoky flavor without burning. Bricks work just fine for this task.
Fireplace Grilling Set Up
You will need indirect heat to cook the meat without burning. Set the brick beside your burning embers such that the longest sides are on the hearth. Then rest a heatproof wire rack on top. With sturdy fireplace tools, you are now set to cook your meat up to your desired temperature.
There is a different way to grill with a fireplace. Below are some popular methods.
- The most popular method is cooking directly on the embers. First, you arrange firebricks with the broad side down toward the front of the fireplace — next rest layers of ambers between rows of firebricks. Also, you can place your meat on metal skewers.
- Grilling with a chain
- Here you suspend your poultry or meat on from a hook. The meat cooks as it rotates near the radiating heat from the fire. It is good if the chain can swivel such that meat can position can vary and remove accordingly. Hang the chain in such a way that the meat hand in front of the fire.
- Grilling with a spit and andirons
- Grilling with a roasting Jack
- Grilling with Gridiron
Pros of Fireplace Grilling
A fireplace is an indoor grilling method pretty much like outdoor grilling on charcoal or wood-burning grill. You can grill over an extensive temperature ranging from slow roasting and high heat grilling
- Food grilled over wood has an unmatched flavor. You can even LEG UP on your gas grill
- You can still prepare palatable meals during power outages or bad weather
- Gathering around the fireplace provides a feeling of camaraderie
A fireplace is a suitable way for grilling fish, meat, chicken, vegetables, and Lamb. You should allow the fire to burn long enough until you have glowing charcoals. Grilled food in your fireplace enables you to prepare delicious food from the comfort and convenience of your house. Lastly, ensure the fire can be regulated to avoid fire accidents.