The American country is considered to be the pioneer of drive-through before the rest of the world seemingly picked up the trend, and this is accredited to Jordan Martin in the 1930s. In fact, a QSR Study of Drive-Throughs 2019 shows that customers spend about 225 seconds from speaker to window to get their food while on the move. A study by QSR Magazine states that there are over 8,000 McDonald’s drive-thrus alone in the USA that are now using tech designed by Dynamic Yield.
Quite simply put, we are pretty much encouraged to have our meals in vehicles. However, according to the NHSTA (National Highway Traffic Safety Association), distracted driving claimed more than 2,841 lives in 2018 and while in a 100 car study, only 1.57 numbers of times was a person found eating behind the wheel, a distraction or secondary task while driving can be fatal.
In light of this information, let us take a quick look at some of the reasons that can make you make better decisions regarding eating while traveling by car.
Eating and Driving Behind the Wheel
If you are the one behind the wheel and are indulging yourself in a meal, then that could trigger a distraction, and for sure, it could lead to a mishap or a loss of attention. While cell phones or smartphones are most associated with car accidents, a simple, fast food meal can also result in you meeting an accident injury doctor.
The actions themselves which are associated with eating can be a nuisance for a driver to manage, and as such, they are classified as secondary task distractions by the NHTSA. In fact, in many case scenarios, a simple action such as drinking from an open container while driving has also been found by studies to have increased the odds of a near miss and even a crash by almost 30%, which is certainly not worth it.
Even for a snack, a food item can cause three different types of distractions, such as:
- Cognitive distraction where the driver may lose concentration and focus from driving the vehicle.
- Manual distraction where a driver may be required to take hands off of the steering wheel.
- Visual distraction where the driver’s eyes might divert from the road to another task.
Eating while driving is not a necessity and can be easily prevented. All you need to do is simply park your car in a safe and secure spot, unwrap your food item, and enjoy your meal in your car. Just pull over, drive your car to a safe spot or a parking space.
And by doing this, you are not only preventing yourself from getting a serious injury but also making the road safe for everyone else. I know food tastes best when it is hot, so asking you to wait till you get home or to whatever destination might be too much for some.
But hey, once you get your food, just park your car and make it come to a halt, and now you can enjoy your meal and savor all the taste while it tantalizes your taste buds. That is all that you have got to do, which can be considered the most life-saving and practical driving tips eve.
Risks Involved With Food in a Moving Car
Food can sometimes make things messy. We have all been in the place where we find ourselves ravenously having a go at a scrumptious meal, and all of a sudden, we realize there is a definite need for a napkin or two. However, things can get even more troublesome while you are traveling in a car. Some of the biggest risks include:
- Spillages as they are the worst. Whether it is a hot or cold item, a solid or a liquid you want to devour, a spill can be a pain to handle, especially in a moving car. Too hot and the spill can even singe your skin, too cold, and it will make you feel uncomfortable all the same. Then there is the annoyance of cleaning the spill, and many leave a stain or two behind that can even make the best of us lose our temper.
- Some food items can be oily or comprised of substances that can make your hands feel slippery. On the other hand, this can also be compared to those food items like soda, sauce, and ketchup that can make your hands feel sticky. This may cause a hindrance to grip our steering wheel properly, and we all know without a good and confident grip, driving safely almost becomes an impossibility.
- Disposing wrappers and trash as no food in the world come without you left with at least a packaging to throw into a garbage bin. If you are driving, then most of the wrappers are probably lying around the floor, making squeaky noises, or you have stuffed them somewhere quick so that they can’t bother you while you hurry towards your destination. Just imagine unwrapping candy and think about the distance you went by while your mind was focused on it. This lack of self-awareness can be downright hazardous.
Worst Food Items to Eat While Driving
While I am in no position to tell you that there are some food items that can be permissible while you drive, there are indeed some which are quite tenacious and can cause serious trouble. These include:
- Chili and one must learn to stay away from it even on a normal day as it can quickly turn into a deadly spice that can irritate your eyes and make them watery in the smallest amount.
- Chocolate and you might be thinking how something so delicious and harmless at the same time is mentioned on the list. I simply cannot disagree with you more. This sweet mother lode of heaven is also the greasiest, slimiest, and most disgusting thing you might encounter when it is molten and starts to stick everywhere inside your car.
- Coffee, since not only is it hot, there are times when a spill can leave you in a moment of shock. Nobody in the world has not reacted to hot coffee spilling on themselves. The burning sensation alone may want you to take your skin off for a while.
Well, that is it for today. Please keep in mind that I myself am a voracious eater myself, and food is indeed my first love. However, I believe that God gave us a sensible sense of responsibility and the knowledge to understand and prioritize others’ safety and well-being over all other things. You can surely enjoy the best meal in the world in your car. I just wish that you decide to park it somewhere first. Not only will you enjoy every flavor that your meal has to offer, but on a spiritual note, you will do justice to the food as well. Bon Appetite, and then Bon Voyage!!!